A UVM blog Phenology Blog

11/26/2023 Visiting Phenology

The new phenology spot I investigated was a small green space near my grandmother’s house in Wenham, Mass. She lives in a relatively urban area with only a few places that have some privacy from infrastructure. The spot I found was one that featured various species of trees and had much less sound pollution than other locations I had considered.  

While I enjoyed visiting a new location, I can observe that visiting this location made me very appreciative of my phenology spot. My spot has much more to offer visually and in just about every aspect. This spot did not feature much wildlife or unique species.  

Here are some of the images I captured of my location.

Song of the day : Nellie by Dr. Dog

Many of the deciduous trees had already lost their leaves.

This location featured oak, spruce, and eastern white pine as the predominant species, similar to my regular phenology location. However, it had much less variety of species as well as maturity. There was a large lack of undergrowth due to the regular mowing that occurs there.  

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