hi! welcome!

My phenology site is located in Centennial Woods. I chose this spot for a couple of reasons, the first of which being that it is relatively close to my dorm and is really easily accessible for me (something that will be helpful during the winter months). The second reason I chose this spot is that there was so much variety in the landscape- a wetland area, a thick woody overstory, lots of underbrush, a stream with embankments, and so much more. I think it will be a really interesting place to observe phenological changes because I will be able to view them through so many different lenses. The overstory contains Sugar Maples, Hemocks, Red Oaks, and White Pines back towards the trail. There is a significant amount of organic matter on the ground. My normal standpoint is littered with leaves and large logs and is covered in ferns. Buckthorn, burdocks, and a significant Red Osier Dogwood make up the understory on my side of the river and there are lots of Joe-Pye Weeds before the marshy clearing. I think this dogwood will be a really significant phenological tracker due to its size and position. All of these different elements will change in different ways as the seasons progress, which I think will be super cool to see. To get to this spot you follow the main path from the entrance of Centennial Woods until you reach the first fork, where you will continue straight rather than taking a right up the hill. Continue down this path until you reach where the river cuts close to the bank, and there is a little piece of land that sort of juts out with the streaming bending outward around it. Its exact coordinates are 44.47817, -73.18632. I’m really excited to get to really know the intricate ins and outs of this area! :)

the hemlock and pine stand on the backside of my spot

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