Category Archives: November 27th


A lot of the trees here are the same as in Centennial Woods. I was able to get a lot of the identities from the fallen leaves. Some that I observed are:

  • Eastern White Pine
  • Sugar Maple
  • American Beech
  • Northern Red Oak
  • White Oak

It just snowed here so I was also very muddy out. And since the park is right near a road, in most of the places you could hear cars.

Here are the calls of some of the birds that I heard including:

  • Blue Jay
  • White-Breasted Nuthatch
  • Black-Capped Chickadee


Here’s a collection of a few photos I took while exploring the area.

Mushrooms on a decomposing tree
The pattern of the bark of an eastern white pine
One side of the trail with mainly hardwoods
The other side of the same trail with mostly pines
Huge white oak leaf I found on the ground
The canopy of the eastern white pines


The place I chose to go is called Kinns Road Park. It is located in Clifton Park, New York, about an 8-minute drive from my house. It is surrounded by a lot of neighborhoods and there is a main road that goes directly by it.