A UVM blog Phenology Project

A new Phenology spot

November 27, 2022

Black Beach – Falmouth, Massachusetts

Comparison of Burlington and Falmouth:

Falmouth, Massachusetts is at 41° N in latitude while Burlington sits at 44° N. These few changes in latitude change the ecology of these two locations. My phenology spot in Falmouth was right on the beach. I sat by the shoreline and watched the waves ripple to the sand. I went to Black Beach on a warm, sunny day, with little wind. There were no clouds in the sky and the ocean was flat. Behind me were dunes followed by The Great Sippiwesset marsh. After these beautiful natural areas is a bike path, my house and neighborhood, a highway, and then an entire town. This is the progression from water inland. My phenology spot was at sea level while my phenology spot in Burlington sits at around 355 feet above sea level. I believe this is an important component when comparing both phenology spots because elevation affects weather, plant growth, and species’ life. Looking at elevation and latitude helps to further analyze how climate change is affecting natural areas.

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