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A Final Hoorah…

During my final visit to my phenology spot, I find myself staying a bit longer and left more sad than I usually do. I found the bird calls to be incredibly loud today, and took the time to listen and record their sounds. I wasn’t able to find the birds but the Merlin Bird ID … Continue reading

BioBlitz Adventures!

During the four-day urban BioBlitz, I explored my phenology spot (behind Trinity Campus) and the Intervale Center for the City Nature Spectacular. I observed 6 major plant species (and several painted turtles) while at the Intervale and 11 major plant species and lots of bird calls at my phenology spot. At the City Nature Spectacular, … Continue reading

Finally, a break

Over the break, some of my college friends and I made a trip out to the North Fork on Long Island. Over the course of the week, I watched one too many movies, went on plenty walks, and made some good food (for once). I’ve been to the North Fork several times, so naturally, I … Continue reading

What’s Burlington Up To?

Savoring the long weekend, a friend and I headed down to Centennial Woods on Monday afternoon. Following the several snow squalls the day before, we were expecting to run into quite a few tracks. As soon as we entered, we noticed several very distinct tracks. Below includes a Snowshoe Hare (bounder), Fisher (pacer), and an … Continue reading

❄ It’s Icy Down Here ❄

As I made my way back down the steep path to my Trinity spot, I couldn’t help but notice two things: Where did all this space come from, and where is the trusty bridge that ran over the small stream? The bridge, in fact, has been consumed by the stream as well as some very … Continue reading

Welcoming December (…Trinity Style)

As the first two weeks of snow close in on Burlington, animals and plant species are adapting to help survive the cold months ahead. Referencing Mary Holland’s Naturally Curious, I used this visit to observe and make connections to the December chapter about changes happening in New England forests, and more specifically at the Trinity … Continue reading

What are my A03 lab mates up to?

This week, I decided to see what some of my lab mates were up to. Choosing some of the most readily accessible sites (specifically to Trinity Campus), I visited Abby and Caroline’s sites each in Centennial Woods, and Sam’s site at Salmon Hole. Without access to their blogs, I decided to just drop into the … Continue reading

Comin’ Home!

Van Neste Square, 11/27/21 3:18pm Plopped down in the middle of downtown Ridgewood lies Van Neste Square, a frequent stop for visitors and residents alike. When I was little, I would frequent this park for hide and seek games with my parents or friends. In the summer, we’d get our chairs and watch movies in … Continue reading

A Rainy Walk to Winooski

For this weeks task, a friend and I decided to make the trek to Salmon Hole in Winooski. Despite the heavy rains, we began our walk around noon. Along the way, we made note of a few phenological elements in the cemetery, the sidewalk and on the Salmon Hole lookout. In the cemetery, we made … Continue reading

Winter is coming…

After a short week of Vermont’s finest frigid weather, the spot behind Trinity looks a little dull and lifeless. After trekking the steep drop to the stream, I took in the moment. The wind seemed to be suggesting something bigger – a sort of preparation for the long winter months to come. Despite shriveling and … Continue reading