End of the Year Visit

Changes over Time Over my first year at UVM, I have seen Crescent Woods change over time; both phenologically and due to the impact of outside forces. Phenologically, I have noticed the biggest changes in the understory., where understory flowers have started budding and blooming, saplings have grown taller and now have buds of their …

Crescent in January: Snow, Ice, Evergreens, and Animal Tracks

Phenological Changes The first phenological difference I noticed during my January visit to Crescent Woods was of course…the snow! Despite the the lack of colorful foliage, the thick blanket of bright white snow covering the ground and resting heavily on bare tree branches brought a serene beauty to the woods. Pops of dark green appeared …

Crescent in December

Foliage Crescent has been through significant changes since I last visited the woods in mid-fall. Almost all of the deciduous trees in Crescent have lost their leaves entirely. However, some of the American beech trees and Norway Maples have stubbornly held on to their foliage. The leaves still remaining on these trees have become discolored, …

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