For my Phenology assignment this week, I took another trip to Crescent Woods on a beautiful, sunny, forty degree day. Immediately I noticed that most of the snow in Crescent Woods melted leaving behind (surprise surprise) a lot of mud. Lets just say wearing white shoes was not the smartest move on my behalf. Despite this, I had a wonderful time exploring the woods, listening to the calls of tufted titmouse (thanks Merlin ID), finding pops of color indicating the coming spring, watching squirrels skitter up trees, and taking pictures of cool finds!

Beech Tree
As for my old friend, the beech tree with the sprout, this tree had not changed much from the last visit. Still no signs of flowering and still holding on to a few dead leaves (mostly on the sprout). I did take more notice of the bark of the tree this time and I recognized just how smooth beech tree bark is. It seemed slightly paler than before as well, maybe because the bark was drier this time around. Another thing I noticed was the presence of buds (not flower buds, leaf buds). Those iconic cigar looking buds were not as present during my last visit, indicating new leaf growth on the horizon