I’m back in Centennial Woods visiting my phenology spot for the first time since the fall. Many changes have occurred since I’ve left here, the biggest, most obvious and arguably most exciting one being that now there’s snow! I went to visit my spot on Wednesday right after a fresh snow fall hoping for some new and obvious wildlife tracks, but I mostly came across a smooth fresh blanket of snow with a small path that seems to have had quite a few people go through before me. In the small trail you can see boot tracks and a few paw prints, most likely curtesy of the dog that followed me into the trail accompanied by their owner. In the fall this spot had the sounds of creaking of wood and wind rushing through trees and remaining birds chirping before migration. Now this area is quiet, with the sound barrier of snow to catch any of the noises. There are some areas of low snow covered trees around that most likely serve as an animals shelter, but I can’t see or hear any signs besides their potential homes. I wonder what is going on below me in the subnivean zone. Colour in my spot has altered to monochrome tones compared to the green colours of late summer that became orange, red, brown and purple in the fall. Winter is in full effect.