City Nature Challenge!

During the City Nature Challenge, I went for a walk on the bike path that starts near Redstone Lofts. It was a very quiet and peaceful day, so I was able to hear the birds very clearly. The most memorable part of the experience was when I was able to get very close to an American Robin. I walked very slowly until I was about 2 feet away, which is the closest I have ever been to a bird that I remember.

Using iNaturalist was a very cool experience. I liked being able to upload a picture and have the computer identify what is in it. I was not very knowledgeable about the species I was capturing, and I feel like I have learned a lot from this.

Reports from other participating cities were fascinating to view, especially ones from different countries. My favorites to look through were from Canada, where there were many beautiful flower species that I had not heard of before. I am excited that I was able to participate in this event!

a Common Grackle

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