New Sites & Sights

Jockey Hollow, Morristown NJ

The site I chose near my hometown is called Jockey Hollow, a natural area with paths and historical monuments. I took a walk through the woods with my mom, taking note of the similarities and differences between here and Rock Point. One noticeable difference was the absence of cedars in Jockey Hollow. At Rock Point, most of the understory was made up of cedars. Here there was very little understory, but there are ferns and mosses. The moss covered the forest floor off of the path because it was less disturbed. The overstory consists mainly of Red Oak trees. However, I was also able to identify Yellow Birch and Beech trees. All of these trees were very tall and seemed to have reached their full height, which doesn’t seem to be true of Rock Point where there were more trees in the middle of growth. In Jockey Hollow, a large portion of the Beech trees were carved into by humans, which was not the case at Rock Point. I feel that there is a difference in people’s outlooks towards caring for these areas in Vermont versus New Jersey, as seen by the levels of human disturbance in each of these areas.

Published in: on November 29, 2020 at 1:57 pm  Leave a Comment  

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