A UVM blog Scott's Blog


Blog server updates

Blog.uvm.edu has seen some updates recently as I fit it in-between my other work. Not much finished, but things looking better.

I’ve overhauled the activity stream so that it is vastly better looking, though it’s still getting tweaked.  Any input is welcome.  The whole point is so that people can find out what interesting things others at UVM are saying or doing.

The blog and user directories have been tidied up so that they at least look UVMish.

I’ve also been working on a couple oft-requested plugins such as the ability to subscribe to notices of new articles on a blog, as well as a contact form.  If you’d like other functionality not already present, just let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

UVM Blogs updates

I just upgraded UVM Blogs to WordPress 3.1.2.  It’s a pretty minor update, so I’m not expecting issues.

Last night, I also rolled out the new UVM theme for the top-level blog.  Ooh, pretty. 🙂  Among other things, it brings the most recent several posts from people’s blogs onto the home page.

I’m also working on adding a few requested plugins for Google Maps integration and more advanced gallery support, and need to re-add the global announcement feature that was removed from WordPress 3.1.


We’ve given up for now trying to get the XML-RPC interface to WordPress both to require SSL and to actually work consistently across third-party applications, and are switching to a mode of offering but not requiring SSL for XML-RPC, and ensuring that authentication is done with a non-NetID password. Users will be able to generate a WordPress “passcode” that will work for XML-RPC apps, while still logging in with their NetID when using a web browser.

This is being tested currently and should be put in production soon.

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