Event Map

Writing and drawing this Event Map was such fun! I love this technique of interpreting what your senses pick up while walking along Salmon Hole.

The park was especially quiet today; I think the changing of the season’s may deter people from going out in the wilderness as much. However, today was quite warm (like the last few days have been), so it was nice to explore the area. The leaves have almost entirely fallen, with the exception of a few oaks with leaves clinging to their branches and twigs. Songbirds remain dominant; the chickadee call is forever ingrained in my brain, and I see no reason to complain. The water is flowing slightly slower than it was, which is expected since it hasn’t rained in a while. It is almost as the the park is in its slumber at the moment, or at least readying for slumber like the many animals that inhabit it. I saw no squirrels today, sadly, but I hope they are prepared for their hibernation. Mallards and geese were still there, though likely they are preparing to leave too. I can take comfort in this though- the semester is coming to a close soon and, like these animals, I shall be leaving Burlington to rest elsewhere.