My Sense of Place

Nature and culture intertwine at my place in Centennial Woods through the land use of the area. Centennial Woods is a place rich in biodiversity that also serves the community in two ways. One is the ecosystem services that provides clean air, carbon sequestration, and water filtration, which all bolsters human health in the area. The second is recreation for humans, which provides a place to enjoy nature, help mental illness, and re-center oneself. The woods provided both a healthy habitat for organisms as well as humans.

I do not consider myself part of my place. I am but a visitor traveling through to enjoy the nature beauty, but I must return to my respected place and leave no trace of my presence. Respecting the forest and the wildlife means I am to look and not touch, allowing the cycles of the natural world to continue uninterrupted. I do not interact with the place besides from the occasional visit. I do not mange the biodiversity nor do I actively manage the forest and trails. Thus I am not a part of my place. Observing phenological changes, I have come to understand my sense of place within the natural world and that is as not its caretaker, but as its protector against the transgressions of my species.