Native Fish of Vermont

Avery Redfern
Native Fish of Vermont
Crochet tapestry

Species in order from top left to bottom right: fathead minnow, Atlantic salmon, sunfish, panfish, northern pike
Stewardship starts with visibility and empathy. To see and cherish the species in danger leads to our working to save them. By artistically immortalizing the fish who have always called Vermont home, Redfern hopes to inspire their protection, push for their conservation, and encourage audiences to treasure their surroundings.

A framed woven tapestry. The background thread is cream colored and the tapestry shows six fish swimming through an underwater scene.

Artist Statement

This piece serves as a way of preserving parts of the environment and the species of Vermont through art. I believe that an important part of conservation begins with visibility and admiration of a species or place. Encouraging connection to the environment through artistic means can encourage people to care about their surroundings and the flora and fauna within it. One of my goals as an artist is to make change with my art, and I feel I can achieve that in this way. Species included, from top left to right: fathead minnow, Atlantic salmon, sunfish, panfish, northern pike.

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