If it were not for Rock Creek Park, growing up in Washington DC would have been way more difficult than it was. I am not a city girl. Rock Creek is no Salmon Hole, but I was very happy to be back home in my little wilderness.
Like Salmon Hole, Rock Creek Park is the perfect example of an urban wilderness. The trail is right next to the road and you can hear the construction and cars nearby. There are no super big rock formations I noticed. It was not the prettiest day to visit for a phenology blog. The ground was soggy and cold with rain droplets hitting me every minute or so. I am not familiar with the history of the area or the park, but the species of plants covered a much smaller variety than what I have seen around Salmon Hole. I was not planning on bringing a gift for the land, but I brought my pup along with me and we chased off some disruptive squirrels…my gift to the environment.