Details for Reunion Weekend

Reunion weekend is almost here!

Since you are registered already, here’s as snapshot of the weekend (for full details, check out the reunion website).

And, if you want to see who is coming from your class, click here and check the list.

Your first stop

Registration at Alumni House (former Delta Psi House) to pick up your reunion weekend materials. There will be short-term (10 minutes) parking in the circle in front of the Alumni House while you stop in. Click here for the Google Maps location of Alumni House.

UVM Alumni House, 61 Summit Street
Friday 8 AM-7 PM, Saturday 8 AM-7 PM and Sunday 8-11 AM

On Friday

  • Welcome Back Reception: Alumni House from 6pm-11pm Come early or late – there will be a photo booth, cash bar, lots of food, and a wheel of prizes after 9pm (including 2007 senior week pint glasses!).

On Saturday

  • During the day, there are tons of events happening all over campus, Download the free Guidebook app to get up-to-date info and the full schedule.
  • At 7pm, be sure to join us downtown at Splash! At The Boathouse for your 10th reunion reception!
  • Never been to Splash! before? The restaurant is located right on the waterfront at the bottom of College street, just past ECHO.
  • We’ve also curated a spotify playlist for your class, check out the tunes and hit reply to this email to suggest more songs.
  • As a final treat, we’ll be handing out free KKD sandwich coupons at your reception, so when you are out late, you’ll have the nourishment of a Rise & Shiner to keep you going.

On Sunday

  • Join us for coffee and snacks at Alumni House for the Farewell Breakfast, one last chance to connect before the weekend comes to a close.


The UVM campus will be available for free parking all weekend. Preferred parking lots for Friday are Allen House and Gutterson Parking Garage. Preferred parking lots for Saturday & Sunday are Allen House, Waterman, and Gutterson Parking Garage.

Please refer to our campus parking map for more options. UVM’s campus shuttles are available during the weekend.

Not a bad way to spend a weekend!

5 Reasons Your 10th Reunion Will Be Awesome

About a week ago, you should have received an email from the UVM Alumni Association to let you know that the registration page for Reunion weekend is now live.

We recognize that you might be thinking “Well why should I register? I can come to Burlington or hang with my friends anytime…”

Well, here are five great reasons to actually register and come for this particular weekend.

1. It’s only $25 for the whole weekend!

That’s actually affordable and it probably means you can spring for a hotel to stay (much better than a couch) or a flight to get here.

And you get access to a whole bunch of events throughout the weekend.

2. Friday night party at the Alumni House

In the Reunion survey, y’all told us you wanted a welcome reception on Friday evening.

Well, by registering for the weekend, you get access to the welcome reception at the brand-new Alumni House on Summit St. from 6pm to 9pm.

(There’s also a late night party at Alumni House for those of you who wanted a late-night event on Friday, so don’t worry if you can’t make it by 9pm)

3. Doing what you feel on Saturday morning and afternoon

It’s important to have time to spend with your friends, get reacquainted with campus, explore downtown Burlington, catch a soccer game, or just sleep-in.

So, Saturday morning and afternoon will be low-key, but if you register, you’ll have access to lots of events all across campus and a few events informally hosted by classmates (like beer/cider/wine tasting or a hike/bike ride).

4. Saturday evening with your classmates and the best view of the lake

We booked Splash at the Boathouse right on Lake Champlain for your Saturday evening gathering. We took all your survey feedback on the Saturday night and tried to split the difference.

The Boathouse has a beautiful view and plenty of room inside and outside for everyone — and it’s kid-friendly for those of you bringing your family.

We’ll have a cash bar (first drink is on us) and plenty of food. It’s the perfect way to start your evening.

5. Late night shenanigans.

We’re still working on the details, but our plan is to have a place downtown for you to stop by, have one last drink, and eat some KKD food before you call it a night.

It’ll be the kinda-sorta grown-up version of those college nights out!

What are you waiting for?

If you are convinced this weekend will be awesome, register below and encourage your friends to come. Because, as you told us in the survey, the #1 reason you’ll come back is if you know your friends are coming.

So, get them to come with you!

Customize Your Reunion Weekend

You probably got an email a few days ago asking you to save the date for Reunion weekend (October 6-8).

Well, we have a little follow-up for you in the form of a quick, 4-question survey. It will give us a sense of how you want to spend the weekend with your friends (and how you don’t want to spend the weekend).

It’s a great chance to customize some of the events for your class, so take 30 seconds and complete the survey.  Thanks!

And, if you aren’t planning to attend Reunion weekend, don’t worry. We have lots of great stuff to share throughout the spring and summer and a few ways you can participate from afar.