I live in Hoboken, NJ, which is the fourth densest populated city in the country. Having 55,000 in a square mile does not really allow for a lot of nature. Because of this, my main go-to spot is an abandoned pier. This weird is where my friends and I spent an unholy amount of time during middle school through high school. I like to call it my backyard because it is only a few blocks from my house and my actual backyard is a 5ft by 10ft concrete slab with a spicket and a drain.
Spending these past few months in Vermont has really put my little pier to shame, but I still love her. I thought I would highlight some of the beautiful creatures we have here. His pier is home to some very fat pigeons, some very angry geese, some very ballsy seagulls, and some badass stray cats. I often steal some food from my own cats and give it to these little guys. We may not have deer and bears, but our wildlife has stories to tell, and how roughed up they look says it all.
Overall, if there can be wildlife here, there can be wildlife anywhere. Nature always finds a way. My time at UVM has diffidently emphasized how important time in nature is for me personally. As much as I love this little pier, the entire time I was there to take these pictures I could hear loud planes, sirens, and it is hard to ignore the massive building everywhere. I do not want to live here forever, but this pier helps me maintain my sanity in the mean time.