Chapter 12 – Tectonic

Please add your comments about how to improve Chapter 12 here.

9 thoughts on “Chapter 12 – Tectonic”

  1. Maybe add some additional text to Fig 12.5 highlighting how faulting leads to extension (you can see how the section is longer in time 3) and thinning (thickness change)

  2. Fig. 12.13, page 412; At first reading, the odd #;s vs. even #s is confusing on the Plot of seal level vs. Years before present. Would using a symbol be better, such as a star/asterisks; then make the key/legend simpler with just the symbol and what it means

  3. Fig. 12.8, page 406; the top block diagram shows a label that says “Main fault trace” but it shown at depth; I believe “trace” is restricted to the surface – thus, perhaps using “main fault at depth” or changing the label to point to the actual surface, would help

  4. I don’t quite understand the basis behind using different colors on the text boxes for various figures – such as Fig. 12.4 (green vs. blue, and 2 are blue). Yet, on Fig. 12.6, page 403, all text boxes are green. I think it’s a little confusing, but not too much to distract the reading

  5. On p. 414, there’s a typo where the typical values of m and n are reversed. m should be 0.5 and n should be 1.0. Elsewhere (p. 470), they’re correct.

    Also, it’s somewhat surprising to not find this (or at least reference to it) in Chap 6, where you discuss stream power. Obviously, there are a lot of places where this could fit, but since the elements of diffusive hillslope elevation are developed in Chap 5, it seems appropriate to develop the elements of channel evolution in Chap 6.

  6. This is fairly small but just something that caught my eye. On page 394 the description is printed as follows: “Rock uplift refers to changes in a rock’s vertical position relative to a fixed datum such as sea level.” After last weeks readings and your talk on Friday I can’t help but think of sea level as a non-fixed point. I know that all elevation markers and surveys are based on the fixed point of sea level but after learning about the impact of ice sheets and glaciers on the oceans, sea level doesn’t seem like a fixed datum at all, rather something that has gone through huge changes over Earth’s history.

  7. Figure 12.14 is a bit confusing. It doesn’t talk about the processes that cause knickpoints and deltas to form together. It would be helpful to show a tectonic aneurysm (pg 416) in real photograph to supplement the illustration.

    A question on the main drives of rock uplift, rather than just one discussing how they change overtime. Also question 20, on stream gradient index, does not pertain to this chapter.

    This chapter was harder to follow. There weren’t clear transitions to new subjects, and the end of chapter questions did not align with the order of the text. More figures, more subheadings, and less dense text blocks would help make this chapter easier to read and understand. There were also a lot of interchangeable names used in this chapter that were used fluidly, without being introduced as synonyms and making it confusing.

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