Chapter 11 – Volcanic

Please add your comments about how to improve Chapter 11 here.

10 thoughts on “Chapter 11 – Volcanic”

  1. p. 365 “Glassy obsidian was valued by Native Americans for its ability to be worked into sharp projectile points and knives.” This detail seems superfluous. Why does this matter in a geomorphic context?

  2. Figure 11.5, page 364; a reference to some city or town, and a linear scale would improve the satellite image maps (NW U.S/Snake River Plain). At first glace it looks a little strange. Also, I think the red/maroon arrows next to the satellite image maps make it look like the North American plate is moving directly West, when it’s more southwest. So I think maybe showing the arrows right on the satellite image in the southwest direction would make it less confusing. Also the length of the arrows make it seem like a magnitude of total movement, so the shorter arrow makes it looked like the plate moved that brief of a time, again directly West, so the length of the arrows could still be shown on the maps, but at a SW angle. I believe the rate of motion is ~ 2cm/yr to the southwest.

  3. The figure on Yellowstone is misleading; the arrows make it look like the plate motion is directly west. A quick fix would be to have the arrows pointing in the southwest direction.

  4. Please correct the caption to the gorgeous picture in Photo 11.26 p. 381. Shiprock is in northwest New Mexico. My students were sure quick to pick up on that error. Love the book – thanks for such a great text.

  5. In Chapter 3 different soil pit profiles are include for different environments (pg 93) — could be really interesting to see a potential profile for volcanic areas in this chapter

  6. The lighting in photo 11.7 (pg 363) makes it difficult to tell if the cinder cone is a depression in the landscape or rising above the landscape

  7. p. 368 last sentence on the page (left column) – text says “log arithmetic scale.” Wouldn’t this just be a “logarithmic scale?”

  8. p. 366 3rd paragraph 1st sentence & p. 387 #33 – On p. 366 the term is spelled “tephrochronology” but the question on p. 387 spells the term “tephrachronology.” Are there two different spellings or is this a typo? Problems arise when searching this term within the online book because of two different spellings.

  9. Instead of using a candle to demonstrate hot spot formation in Figure 11.5, I think it would be more helpful to show a more realistic plume figure. In Figure 11.7 I wish there was also a graph that demonstrated the relationship between viscosity and eruption type. Areas to expand upon could be an introduction to the plume verse plate model arguments, and also about smokers and Euler Poles in relation to mid oceanic ridges.

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