Addressing Fertility, Forage and Grain Production with Farmer Ingenuity

Monday, July 19, 2010, 11:00-3:00 pm, The Beidler Family Farm, Randolph Ctr, VT Unwilling to rest on past successes,Brent and Regina Beidler continually seek innovative ways to address common farming challenges such as limited growing seasons, production of a single commodity, nutrient management and pasture compaction. This field day will highlight some of the farm …

Vermont Oilseed Crop Production Cost and Profit Calculator

As Part of the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund’s ongoing Vermont Biofuels Initiative and UVM Extension’s research, a tool was developed intending to help farmers determine their total cost of production for oilseeds and oilseed products (e.g. meal, oil, biodiesel.)  The tool also allows the user to determine a potential profit based on assumed market pricing …

Reduced Tillage, Cover Crops and Improving Water Quality

Monday, June 21 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Windfall Acres Highgate, VT Download a brochure (pdf) Interested in integrating reduced tillage into your cropping system? Come and learn from Joel Myers from the Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance about his tried and true strategies for successful reduced tillage. Joel will discuss advantages and disadvantages of no-till, …

Summer 2010 Events

Lots of exciting workshops are cropping up this summer.  Our 7th annual NW Crops and Soils Field Day is on August 5th, be sure to mark it on your calendar, there’s something for everyone! Click here to download a detailed list of the workshops and events we have planned for this growing season.

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