City Nature Challenge

This week I participated in my wildlife exploration around my house in Essex, Vermont, about 20 minutes outside of Burlington.

Roughly where my house is in relation to Burlington and UVM.

While here, we’ve had evidence of a couple of different animals. This weekend alone I noticed a bunny and some Red-winged Blackbirds.

In the past we’ve had an opossum die under our front steps, and what we believe to be red fox scat.

We also often get Black-capped Chickadee’s on our deck.

I didn’t use iNaturalist for this weekend, but I have used it at my phenology spot in the past and have found it to be somewhat clunky but overall a useful tool. I think it’s interesting to look at what NR 2 students have found and recorded and it reminds me that there are some species of plants and animals that I find really common and tend to overlook.

Worldwide, I thought Ithuriel’s Spear was cool, and I wish it grew closer to Vermont! Someone in Luxemburg found a Field Maple, which I had no idea even existed. Someone in Portland, Oregon got an up-close picture of an American Shrewmole, which was also really cool. And someone in Cape Town found this plant, but wasn’t able to identify it. I think overall, looking through the observations made me realize how many different species are out there and how many I’ve never seen or even heard of.

@wendy1997 found this plant.

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