New Place: Centennial Woods
What Did I Encounter?
I went for a walk today through Centennial Woods. It was a bit overcast and windy. On my walk through Centennial Woods I first found a few animal droppings. They looked pretty fresh and about 3 inches long and oval shaped. I would guess they are from some sort of dog type of dropping. Next I found some animal prints that also looked like they were from some type of dog or coyote. I believe it was more of a domesticated dog than a coyote though because the nail markings appeared longer. If it was a wild coyote or dog, the nail imprints would show up more more like dots because they would be sharper than a domesticated dog/coyote, less thick and blunt. The paw size was around 2 1/4″. Finally, I heard and saw 3 American Crows fly through the air above my head. It felt really refreshing getting out and observing a new location.
Experience with iNaturalist App
Overall I liked the iNaturalist app. I found the explore page of the app where you could view other people’s findings who have the app very interesting and fun! I thought it was very easy to use as well and it was super user friendly. I liked how it would give you a couple of suggestions about what type of species it could be as well. Another feature I found very cool was the record sound option, so you could not only take photographs but also figure out a species just based off of sound!