
December Observations: The site is much more different. It is much colder, although the lake has not frozen over, the water temperature is much colder. The majority of the trees (especially the green ash) have officially lost their leaves and snow has hit the ground. When I visited I didn’t see any animals or insects, and there were a lot less people walking on the boardwalk. Overall it seemed much more lifeless as well as quiet. The bushes were still intact and there were closed buds.

Birds Eye-View Map

15 Minute Experience: As I sat at my Phenology Site for 15 minutes there was a sense of peace in a way but also happiness. The day that I sat down it was sunny and there was a lot of movement going on. All though it was getting colder, I would still see people walk around, laugh, smile, talk, and overall be active. I enjoyed listening to the waves break against the shore and there was also a nice slight breeze. It did get cold after a little while though but afterwards I did feel much more peaceful

Changes In Appearance: There were more leaves that had changed color to orange and yellow, the air was a little colder but not my that much, bushes stayed the same/looked the same as before. Saw more leaves on the ground than previously.

Introduction to Phenology Site

Location Link:

How To Get To Location: To get to my chosen location starting from the Aiken center, you will walk down Main Street towards the waterfront until you find yourself across from Union Station where Main Street Intersects with Battery Street. Cross Battery Street onto Lake Street and follow until you see the Creemees Ice Cream by the waterfront. To the right you should see a paved walking/bike path lined with trees on either side. Continue on the walking/bike path for approximately 700 ft. To your left should be a green patch of grass with a statue at the end of it: That area is my phenology site.

Why I Chose the Location: I chose that specific location as my phenology site because I think it had a good mixture of scenery. From my spot you can see the lake and the mountains as well as the trees along the pathways. I think the mixture of scenery was important to me when choosing my phenology site because then I can see how different landscapes change in contrast to one another.

Vegetation Description: As for immediate vegetation, there are a few bushes on the side closer to the lake and then trees on the right side (along the path way). The trees were beginning to change color slightly in some of the leaves but the bushes stayed a purply-green color.

List of Common Woody Plants: Green Ash, Basswood, Barberry