Goodbye Blog!

Nature and People

A lot of human activity was present at my site!

On my last visit to my site, I noticed a lot of human interaction. These bird feeders had been put up on one of the trees where my site is and a lot of the used up bird seed was covering the ground.

I got a good picture of the ferns I observed last time. Many of them were still curled up but there were a couple that had fully sprouted.

I immediately noticed this giant for that had been built on my site with a lot of the surrounding logs and sticks. This was another example of how humans interact with nature.

Final Thoughts

Looking back on my time at my site, I would definitely say I’ve developed a connection with it. I think being able to recognize certain changes in the leaves or the logs on the ground shows how well I’ve come to know my site and has caused me to become a part of my place, but not as a contributor, more as an observer. From visiting my site, it’s easy to see how nature can so easily become a part of culture, given that connecting with a specific place on a regular basis could develop into a tradition and then having that place to connect with could become customary. Moving forward I will definitely come back to visit my site and deepen my connection but for now I’ll say goodbye for the summer!

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