Nature in the City

Nature at Hannaford!

Tree Cover

Around the parking lot there were a lot of singular trees planted in tiny plots of lawn. Judging from the leaf shape these tree seemed to be a type of Oak. There was also a large strip of trees between the parking lot and the highway. These trees provided a lot more coverage, however, you could still clearly see through them to the highway. 

Tree Type and Health

Many of the singular trees were Oaks trees. Some of these trees still had old leaves hanging on them, while also sprouting buds, which is indicative of it being spring. The trees in the strip between the parking lot and the highway seemed to be mainly Northern White Pines, that had matured, but there were some other types of trees there as well. 


Looking at the tree canopy, I could see a lot of nests. These nests most likely belonged to squirrels as I saw many of them roaming around the bottoms of the trees, but they may also have belonged to different species of birds. One such bird that these nests may have belonged to was the a pileated woodpecker which I saw flying to a tree as I left the parking lot. 

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