Planting trees – by Lukas

After a late arrival in Meckenheim, the group woke up at 8 am for a breakfast of sandwiches and yogurt with coffee and orange juice. We reconnected with our wonderful tour guides Sascha and Christoph. They guided us through the old city of Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler, explaining how the old walls of the city contained the floodwaters inside, increasing damage in the interior but decreasing the damage outside of the walls.

The group then made our way to the fire station in Binzenbach. Two groups were formed and they each planted a tree to commemorate the lost lives during the flooding in 2021. One tree was planted in front of the station while the second was planted at a popular hiking trailhead 2 km down the road.

Lunch consisted of a variety of schitzel and sausage, followed by a presentation of the flooding events lead by members of the fire department. Videos were shared, showing the group a firsthand account of people watching the floodwaters rise, destroying everything in its path. Photos further helped put everything in perspective, but also showed how much the community has recovered in 3 short years. A long drive back to Amsterdam concluded the day with a picnic dinner in the hotel lobby. Tomorrow the biking begins and we are looking forward to it.

Ahr River Valley – by Lizzie

June 1st, 2024

Rise and shine! Today we were headed off to Rhineland-Falls in Germany to participate in a service project in the Ahr Valley, an area severely affected by flooding in July of 2021. 

We woke up at a bright and early 6:45 am and grabbed some breakfast at the hostel. We headed off on our three hour car ride to Germany and stopped short of the border for a bathroom and lunch break. We were all so amazed by the vistas and how scenic the area is. We took a couple wrong turns and had some great tunes for the ride and ended up a little late (unlike the German punctual way).

We met up with Sascha, Alex, and Christoph and started on our service project —picking up trash along the river. We picked up an assortment of shirts, plastic, styrofoam, and other miscellaneous materials.

We then took a detour and helped out a local woman weed out her front yard and clear out her greenhouse.

We found some snail and slug buddies in the process!!

In return we sat down with her and heard her talk about her experience with the flooding.

We headed out to dinner at a brewery nearby and had some traditional German meals! I had the pork medallions with spätzle (a classic you can never go wrong with).

Thanks for following along today!! See you tomorrow:)