Final preparations! – by Kris

May 28, 2024

As I type this, most everyone from NR2990 is likely packed or getting packed to travel to the Netherlands in the coming days. This year’s course, called Water Management and Sustainability in the Netherlands also includes a visit to Germany where we will learn about devastating floods that occurred in summer 2021 and engage in service projects to attempt to assist the affected communities in their continued recovery. Traveling primarily by bicycle, we will also travel on planes, trains, busses, ferries, and in vans. We will be privileged to meet with and learn from Dutch and German water management and sustainability professionals as we make our way from community to community.

Each day, students in the course will consider the topic of the day from one of three sustainability perspectives: environmental, economic, and social. We will have daily debriefs following our site visits to consider what everyone learned and compare and contrast among locations – from the US to Germany to the Netherlands.

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