A UVM blog Beaning!

Welcome to the beaning. (1)

This is the landing site of all things bean. Over the course of several months I nurtured a little seed into a stick with two beans on it. Are you ready? Let’s go!

To the untrained eye, this looks like a pot of soil. It is indeed a pot of soil. It also has a bean seed in it. This is Day 0 of the bean plant.

Feeling: encapsulating sense of dread. I cannot grow plants, despite my environmental major. Mother Nature grows plants, not Mother Naomi.

Let’s talk about what the seed is currently doing under the surface..

What’s under the surface?

  • Step 1: Rehydration of the bean. The seed swells and ‘kick-starts’ the beginning of seed emergence. The embryo is feeding on the endosperm, a built in nutrient source for little seeds.
  • Step 2: The radicle, the embryonic root, emerges from the seed
  • Step 3: The Hypocotyl extends out of the seed, towards the surface!
The radicle is supposed to be white, ignore the brown (limited color palette)

Tune in next time for an bean-tastic update!

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