NR1 Local Phenology Blog

A UVM Blog

January Post

My phenology location is covered in snow, the only thing that I was able to hear was a far off bird call—maybe a crow. I think that I picked one of the worse days for tracking due to the high winds and snow. I was able to discern the tracks of what I think is a cottontail rabbit making its way across the creek. I also noticed the potential tracks of a gray squirrel, leading from one tree to another, but it was hard to be sure due to the soft edges and blurriness of the tracks. All of this snow has clued me in that I am most likely not the only NR student using this location as my phenology spot. There was a cluster of boot tracks over my location leading every which way. One phenological change that I noticed was the lowering of the water level. My boot broke through over a section of usually running water and I found that it was completely dry. A few dead leaves hang from the oaks over the creek and and the shrubs that cover the North end of my spot are almost completely bare.

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