Redstone cliff looming
Green pond below rise and fall
Some things stay the same
Redstone cliff looming
Green pond below rise and fall
Some things stay the same
There aren’t any big changes in the sounds or the composition of the landscape but the Birch grove has become almost completely yellow and has been dropping more and more leaves. There are still crows that like to hang around the spot but there seem to be more this week than there were last week.
I chose Redstone quarry as my phenology space because it is a place relatively close to campus where you can be surrounded by nature without the same amount of popularity that Centennial Woods tends to get.
In the area, you’ll expect to see Duckweed in a little pond, Barberry, Buckthorn, Norway Maple, Sugar Maple, Northern Red Oak, White Oak, Honey suckle, Eastern Hemlock, Northern White Cedar and most prominently both Yellow and Paper Birch. There are crows that circle around the area (If you can’t see them, you can hear them) and a few times after a particularly rainy week, there are some tracks in the mud but, they’re almost always too grainy to really tell what animal they belong to.
Walking towards Redstone campus, you’ll then continue walking through a residential neighborhood, past the golf course/ country club and then take a right. Halfway down the hill there’s a small break in the trees, this is the start of the path :).
Maps, G. (2020). Map [Map to Redstone Quarry]. Retrieved 2020, from,-73.2076696,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x4cca7bb205be9c89:0x66f33cb18d956e30!2sRedstone+Quarry!8m2!3d44.4613431!4d-73.2054809!3m4!1s0x4cca7bb205be9c89:0x66f33cb18d956e30!8m2!3d44.4613431!4d-73.2054809
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