April 18th posting

I really wish I hadn’t forgotten my phone before going out today (4/15/21) because I was able to see the start of a little bird’s nest sitting up high in what I think is a red oak. I tried to draw a picture but it really just looked like a bunch of scribbles :(. Its raining today so I was hoping to get some muddy tracks but the only ones I found were dogs, people and birds. The birds are mostly tucked away today but I still saw some robins, the regulars (crows) and some common grackles. I didn’t see any sparrows but I definitely heard them out there along with some blue jay songs. I saw- and almost ran into, what I thought was a huuuuge spider web but confirmed was a tent caterpillar nest from the naturally curious book.

~ by mjohns74 on April 15, 2021.

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