April 17th, 2021

Hello again! It was a beautiful day to explore Centennial Woods. The sun was shining, and it was a nice 50 degrees outside, which was a stark contrast to the past two rainy days. The stream was flowing nicely from all of the rainfall, and it was glimmering in the sunshine. There were many birds chirping in the trees above me and I heard the pecking sounds of a woodpecker in a large Eastern white pine. Although it was too high up for me to identify, I was able to identify some other birds that crossed my path. As I was making my way to my spot a lovely American robin crossed the trail, there were some chickadees bouncing around in the bushes by the stream, and I even saw a hawk flying above. There were also some squirrels and chipmunks running around in the leaves, as well as many broken acorns (the squirrels must have eaten pretty well recently). I also noticed some new signs of spring popping out in the woods. There were some leaves coming out of a Boxelder and a Black cherry tree’s buds. I wasn’t able to snap a picture of the ones for the cherry tree, but I was able to get a picture of the new Boxelder leaves.

These are some species interaction diagrams of some of the species at my spot in Centennial Woods.

It was a great day out in the woods, and I hope that others can get out there to enjoy it as well.