February 6th

Hello again!

Today I visited my Centennial Woods spot from fall semester. It was a beautiful day to hike out there; the sun was shining and the snow was nicely packed. With the snow, I was able to view dog tracks throughout my place. As I was exploring my area, there were at least 5 or 6 dogs that passed by, and it was a nice reminder that the Centennial Woods Natural Area brings people, and their canine friends, from all over the community to enjoy the nature around them. I also found a beautiful fluffy, gray feather as I was walking up to my spot. I’m not really sure what kind of wildlife it belonged to, but it was something cool and new to find. I also noticed that there was a large tree with many woodpecker holes lining its trunk. Some of the holes were even large enough to house small birds. I also noticed some sap dripping from the tree, which I hadn’t yet seen on my plot until now. There was also a birds nest way up high in an Eastern white pine (unfortunately I couldn’t get a picture of it as it was too high up). While I was there I heard many different birds chirping and saw some larger ones flying overhead. There weren’t many phenological changes that occurred since last time because all of the deciduous trees had already lost their leaves and become dormant. I noticed that the coniferous trees had dropped some more pinecones because they were littering the snowy ground. Also, as I had mentioned earlier, I had not seen sap coming out from any of the trees the last time I was in the woods, so I will be sure to look out for that more often. Lastly, I noticed another tree that had fallen down. Part of the trunk was still in the ground, and on top of it there was a cute little painted rock with a mitten on it.