October 22nd

It was another beautiful day in Centennial Woods. In the two weeks I was gone, I noticed some changes. There were more downed trees this time, especially in the area with the Red maples. The deciduous trees had little to no leaves left. There were also very few pine needles left on the Eastern white pines and Eastern hemlocks. The soil was also very moist due to the rain last night. The ground was covered in wet leaves and pines that had fallen, and in places it was hard to see where the trail was. My spot smelled of moist leaves and soils, and the air felt very fresh.

I also noticed some places where various species may live. I saw many holes going into the ground that could be home to chipmunks and other small animals. There were also many downed trees that can make a great shelter for insects and other species. I also noticed many sounds while I was out there. I heard some geese near the brook and heard many birds chirping in the trees. I also noticed a buzzing from what could’ve been a cicada.

I can’t wait to continue exploring Centennial Woods! See you next time 🙂
