
Maps and Primary Sources

Not Attending School: 7-13 Years of Age, 1920 and 1930. Social Explorer, (based on data from Digitally transcribed by Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. Edited, verified by Michael Haines. Compiled, edited and verified by Social Explorer.; accessed 6 May 2022, 12:19:25 GMT-4).

Youth Participation in Workforce:1920. Social Explorer, (based on data from Digitally transcribed by Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. Edited, verified by Michael Haines. Compiled, edited and verified by Social Explorer.; accessed 6 May 2022, 12:25:30 GMT-4).

Barnwell, Mary Gaston “Handbook of the Central High School of Philadelphia” (1922) The Philadelphia Trust Company, Trustee

Counts, George S. “The Senior High School Curriculum” (1926) University of Chicago

Edersheim, Alfred “Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Days of Christ” (1910) Hodder & Stroughton, New York

Goodrich, James P. “The Children’s Charter” (1931)

Library of Congress “Senior class, High school, Springfield, Mass.”

Manitowoc Local History Collection “Commander Weaver and his family”

Minneapolis Newspaper Photograph Collection “Johnny Hanschen and his Mother”

Trumbull, Frederick M. “Guidance and Education of Prospective Junior Wage Earners” (1929)

Scholarly Bibliography

Bozon, M., Rennes, J., & Reynolds, S. (2015). The history of sexual norms: the hold of age and gender. Clio. Women, Gender, History, 42, 7–23.

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Gagen, Elizabeth (2000) “An example to us all: child development and identity construction in early 20th century playgrounds” Environment and Planning A 2000, volume 32, pages 599-616

Honeck, M. (2018). Playing on Uncle Sam’s Team: American Childhoods during World War I. Journal of the Gilded Age & Progressive Era, 17(4), 677–690.

Kleinberg, SJ “Children’s and Mothers’ Wage Labor in Three Eastern US Cities” (1880-1920)

Osterud, G. (2015). Rural Youth Culture in Early Twentieth-Century New York State. Agricultural History, 89(1), 57–74.

Smith-Rosenberg, C. (1973). Puberty to Menopause: The Cycle of Femininity in Nineteenth-Century America. Feminist Studies, 1(3/4), 58–72.

Zelizer, Viviana A. (1981) “The Price and Value of Children: The Case of Children’s Insurance” (1875-1895)

Zelizer, V. (1985). Chapter 1: From Mobs to Memorials. In Pricing the priceless child. essay, Princeton University Press.