An Electron Microscopy Image of Nanoscale Graphene Used in Nanocomposites
Designing Interfaces to Improve Energy Efficiency
Most of the projects in the Schadler group are focused on designing the filler / matrix interface of polymer nanocomposites for applications such as improved dielectric properties for more efficient electrical generation and transmission, or improved mechanical properties for reduced volume of plastics use. We are also building a nanomaterials data resource to bring the data for the community together in a way that allows for rapid design, development, and deployment of new materials.

- B.S. Cornell University, Materials Science and Engineering
- Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, Materials Science and Engineering
- Post Doctoral Fellow, IBM TJ Watson Research Laboratory
- Prior Research projects with: ABB Corporation, Albany International, Intel
- C.B. Ng, L.S. Schadler, R.W. Siegel, “Nanoparticle-Filled Polymers,” Patent No. 6,667,360 (Issue Date: 23 December, 2003).
- T. Li, Q. Chen, L.S. Schadler, R.W. Siegel, J. Mendel, G.C. Irvin, “Gelatin Nanocomposites,” U.S. Patent No. 6,783,805 (Issue Date: 31 August 2004).
- Ma, D., Schadler, L. S., and Siegel, R. W., “Tubular Microstructures via Controlled Nanoparticle Assembly”, U.S. Patent No. 6,960,378 (Issue Date: Nov 1, 2005).
- Y.-C. Chen, N. R. Raravikar, Y.-P. Zhao, L. S. Schadler, P. M. Ajayan, T.-M. Lu, G.-C. Wang, and X.-C. Zhang, “Ultrafast All-optical Switch Using Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites,” U.S. Patent No. 6,782,154 (2004).
- E. Martensson, J.-I. Hong, L.S. Schadler, R.W. Siegel, Lars Palmqvist, Anders Gustafsson, Carina Önneby, “Field Grading Material,” U.S. Patent No. 7,868,079 (Issue Date: Jan 11, 2011).
- J.K. Nelson, W. Zenger, R. Keefe, L.S. Schadler, “Nanostructured Dielectric Composite Materials,” U.S. Patent No. 7884149 (Issue Date: February, 2011).
- R.W. Siegel, L.S. Schadler, D. Ma, J. I. Hong, E. Martensson, C. Onneby, “Nanocomposites with Controlled Resistivity and Permittivity” Issued in India IN 242852 and China 200480030818.2 October, 2010, U.S. Patent 7,923,500 (Issue Date: April 12, 2011).
- Praveen Bhimaraj, Crayton Gregory Toney, Linda S. Schadler-Feist, Richard W. Siegel, “Method for Producing Polyester Nanocomposites” US 8,436,076 (Issue Date: May 27, 2013): Issued in Japan. 5073748, Issued in Mexico.
- Peng Tao, Yu Li, Brian Benicewicz, Richard W. Siegel, Linda S. Schadler, Anand Viswanath “Nanofilled Polymeric Nanocomposites with Tunable Index of Refraction,” U.S. Patent No. 8518473 (Issue Date: August, 2013).
- J.K. Nelson, B.C. Benicewicz, A. Rungta, L.S. Schadler, “Self-Healing Electrical Insulation” US Patent No. 8,796,372 (Issue Date: Aug 4, 2014).
- B.C. Benicewicz, V. Anand, L. S. Schadler, D. Dukes, “Nanoparticles with Multiple Attached Polymer Assemblies and Use Thereof in Polymer Composites” US Patent No. 8,865,796 titled (issued on October 21, 2014).
- L.S. Schadler, H. Hillborg, B. Benicewicz, S. Zhao, “Preparing electric insulation, useful in e.g. electrical machines/motors, bushings, transformers and surge arresters, comprises providing modified nanoparticles and dispersing the nanoparticles in a polymer matrix to provide nanocomposite”; WO2010118336-A1 ; US2011061891-A1 ; EP2417171-A1 ; CN102449010-A ; US2014127958-A1 ; CN102449010-B
- Z. Wang, L.S. Schadler, H. Hillborg, S. Zhao; Preparing high dielectric constant ceramic filler particles comprises heating ceramic/polymer filler particles, calcinating ceramic filler particles to obtain calcinated ceramic filler particles containing perovskite structures and cooling; WO2012006416-A2 ; WO2012006416-A3.
- Z. Wang, L.S. Schadler, H. Hillborg, S. Zhao; “Composite material used e.g. as field grading material and electric insulating material in medium or high voltage cable systems, and in machines bushings, comprises polymer material and reduced graphene oxide within the polymer material”; WO2013033603-A1 ; EP2742098-A1 ; CN104093786-A ; US2015001448-A1.
Publications 2021
- “Using Nanofiller Assemblies to Control the Crystallization Kinetics of High-Density Polyethylene,” Kamlesh Bornani, Md Anisur Rahman, Brian Benicewicz, Sanat Kumar, and Linda Schadler, Macromolecules, vol. 54, no. 12, 5673-5682(2021).
- “Dielectric properties of polymer nanocomposite interphases from electrostatic force microscopy using machine learning,” Materials Characterization, vol. 173, article number 110909, Praveen Gupta, Linda S. Schadler, Ravishankar Sundararaman, (2021).
Publications 2020
- “A Novel Method to Characterize Thermal Properties of The Polymer and Gas/Supercritical Fluid Mixture Using Dielectric Measurements,” X. Yao, H. Park, P. Lee, L.S. Schadler, Polymer Testing, accepted (2020),
- “Polymer Nanodielectrics – Short History and Future Perspective,” L.S. Schadler, and J.K. Nelson, Journal of Applied Physics (invited perspectives article), accepted 2020, Editors Pick
- “Polymer Nanocomposite Data: Curation, Frameworks, Access and Potential for Discovery and Design, L. Catherine Brinson, Michael Deagen, Wei Chen, James McCusker, Deborah McGuinness, Linda S. Schadler, Marc Palmeri, Umar Ghumman, Anqi Lin, Bingyin Hu, ACS Macro Letters (Viewpoints article), vol. 9, 10867-1094 (2020). [COVER]
- “Exploring the use of quantified microstructural descriptors for understanding the properties of polymer nanodielectrics, A.S. Prasad, Y. Wang, X. Li, A. Iyer+, P.K. Gupta, W. Chen, L. C. Brinson, J. K. Nelson, L.S. Schadler, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, submitted, 2020
- “Investigating the Effect of Surface Modification on the Dispersion Process of Polymer Nanocomposites,” A.S. Prasad, Y. Wang, X. Li, A. Iyer, W. Chen, L. C. Brinson, L. S. Schadler, Nanocomposites, in press, 2020
- A perspective on the data-driven design of polymer nanodielectrics,” L.S. Schadler, W. Chen, L.C. Brinson, R. Sundararaman, P. Gupta, P. Prabhune, A. Iyer, Y. Wang, A. Shandilya, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 53, no. 33, 333001 (2020).
- “First-principles identification of localized trap states in polymer nanocomposite interfaces,” A. Shandilya, L.S. Schadler, R. Sundararaman, Journal of Materials Research, in press, 2020
Publications 2019
- “Rethinking Interphase Representations for Modeling Viscoelastic Properties for Polymer Nanocomposites,” X. Li, M. Zhang, Y. Wang, A. Prasad, W. Chen, L. Schadler, L.C. Brinson, Materialia, vol. 6, 100277 (2019).
- “Nanoparticle Organization by Growing Polyethylene Crystal Fronts” X. Ning, A. Jimenez, J. Pribyl, B. Benicewicz, S. Kumar, L.S. Schadler, ACS Macro Letters, vol. 8, no. 10, 1341-1346 (2019).
- “Dye Doped Concentric Shell Nanoparticles for Enhanced Photophysical Performance of Downconverting Light Emitting Diodes, X. Ning, J. Chittigori, Y. Li, G. Horner, Z. Zhou, L. S. Schadler, C. Ullal, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 556, no. 25 753-760 (2019).
- “Corona treatment for nanotransfer molding adhesion,” M.E. Deagen, C.P. Chan, L.S. Schadler, C. K. Ullal. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, vol. 1, no. 5, 997-1005 (2019)DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.9b00028
- “Polyethylene Grafted Silica Nanoparticles Prepared via Surface- Initiated ROMP,” Julia Pribyl, Brian Benicewicz, Michael Bell, Kenneth Wagener, Xin Ning, Linda Schadler, Andrew Jimenez. Sanat Kumar, ACS Macro Letters, vol. 8, 28-232 (2019).
- “Polymer grafted nanoparticle viscosity modifiers,” M. Giovino, E. Buenning, A. Jiminez, S. Kumar, L.S. Schadler, Macromolecular Chem. and Phys. vol. 220, 1800543 (2019).
Publications 2018
- “Size effects in plasma-enhanced nano-transfer adhesion,” M.E. Deagen, E.P. Chan, L.S. Schadler, C. K. Ullal, Soft Matter, vol. 14, 9220–9226 (2018). DOI: 10.1039/c8sm01862f
- “NanoMine Schema: An Extensible Data Representation for Polymer Nanocomposites,” He Zhao, Yixing Wang, Anqi Lin, Bingyin Hu, Rui Yan, James McCuster, Wei Chen, Deborah L. Mcguinness, Linda Schadler, and L. Catherine Brinson, APL Materials, vol. 6, no. 11 (2018)
- “Stochastic continuum model for mycelium-based biofoam,” Mohammad R Islam, Greg Tudryn, Ron Bucinell, Linda Schadler, and Catalin Picu, Materials and Design, vol. 160, 549-556 (2018).
- “Mechanical behavior of mycelium-based particulate composites,” Mohammad R Islam, Greg Tudryn, Ron Bucinell, Linda Schadler, and Catalin Picu, Journal of Materials Science, vol. 53, no. 24, 16371–16382 (2018).
- “Identifying Interphase Properties in Polymer Nanocomposites using Adaptive Optimization,” Yixing Wang, Yichi Zhang, He (Richard) Zhao, Xiaolin Li, Yanhui Huang, Linda Schadler, Wei Chen, L. Catherine. Brinson, Composites Science and Technology, vol. 162, 146-255 (2018).
- “Mechanical properties of polymer grafted nanoparticle composites,” M. Giovino, P. Pribyl, B.C. Benicewicz, R. Bucinell, L.S. Schadler, Nanocomposites, vol. 4, 244-252 (2018).
Research Highlights and News
We are working to create a data resource called NanoMine to share data, build fundamental understanding, and design nanocomposites. .

Editors Pick! 2020 – Journal of Applied Phyics D “Polymer Nanodielectrics, A Short History and Future Perpsective”

Using just crystallization rate, we can either disperse nanofillers throughout or organize them in between the crystalline lamella. Nanoparticle Organization by Growing Polyethylene Crystal Fronts