While I was home, I visited a new phenology place. The name of it is Thacher State Park, located in upstate New York in the capital region. Thacher was a place I always used to visit to clear my mind, relax, and enjoy the beauty of nature. Differentiating from my Rock Point phenology spot, Thacher is higher in elevation, does not have a lake surrounding it, contains no thrust fault, and has several streams running down through the woods. Because Thacher is distanced from a lake it holds a less diverse population of vegetation and wildlife compared to Rock Point. Similarly, both Thacher and Rock Point contain recreational hiking trails open to the public and have a combination of deciduous and coniferous trees. Phenology wise, both areas deciduous trees have shedded their leaves coating the forest floor and their understories have died back for the season. Thacher also contains similar trees as it has various pines, cedars, and maples.
Google map of the location for Thacher.
Pictures from Thacher State Park.