The spot I chose for this project was Rock Point. I never got to visit it during lab, so I felt it was fit to choose it as my place. I’ve heard of the beauty but seeing it in person was nowhere near what my mind had imagined. To get there, I walked down to the waterfront to the bike path where I continued to walk until I reached the Rock Point Trail Loop. From there, I kept on going until I reached the lookout point with a surrounding fence. The area in close proximity to the overlook is the exact point I chose.
Regarding the vegetation, there was long grass, clover, moss, wildflowers, and a lot of shrubs covering the ground. To me, it looked like there was more going on in the understory than the overstory. Most of the trees in the surrounding area were fairly short and their roots extended out showing throughout the ground. The most common ‘woody plants’ I initially observed were northern red oak, buckthorn, northern white cedar, eastern hemlock, honeysuckle, sugar maple, eastern white pine, paper birch, and some poison ivy.
Picture/view from the chosen point.
Google map showing location.