Dead of Winter- The Search for Signs of Life

Beech still holding onto its leaves from summer
Wildflower seed pods
Snowed in potential fox tracks
Across Stream
Barberry Twig
White Tailed Deer tracks
(Double-Dipping with Lab)
Labeled Twig of American Basswood
Based off tracks made carelessly, likely a domestic dog
Rodent Chew on Twig- Very similar to Shelburne Pond Porcupine

Attempted picture of sugar maple twig
Deer track
White Pine stand near entrance to Centennial Woods
Across the Brook
Downstream 9/29

I added the pictures from the first trip out to my phenology spot just to show how large of a change has occurred between the seasons.  An area once teeming with life of all types- plants, insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals- is now quiet, barren and covered with a thick layer of snow.  A lush meadow is now only marked by human tracks in the snow- people in search of nature they will seldom find at this point of year.  Not much has changed since the last visit, though the few bird calls I had heard last time would have been welcomed with open arms.  The forest was eerily silent during my whole trip- no birds, no animals, not even wind, as the falling snow muffled my ears.