Brennan’s Chair Painting Event, January 2019

On January 25th, 2019, members of the Linguistics Club painted a chair that will be forever immortalized for the UVM community (or until SGA decides to repaint the student organization chairs again). In just a few short hours, we went from THIS:

   to THIS:

The first layer!

Painting such tiny wugs requires great levels of concentration.

Emma paints the finishing touches!








Voted the “wugiest wug” is the light blue “mama” wug, painted by Shannon Foley.









Don’t miss the very tiny “side-wugs” that recent Linguistics graduate, Michelle Beaupre (Class of 2018), carefully painted onto the edge of the seat!








Some questions to ponder:

Are baby wugs called wuglets or wugglings?

A group of kittens is called a litter. A group of wuglets/wuglings is called a _________.

Members (left to right) Shaina Lee, Emma Roach, Shannon Foley, Addie Beach, and Rain Storer, posing with the final product. Contributors not pictured: Michelle Beaupre, Nathan Davis, Stephanie Brooks, Isabel Kaplan.










We may not have created the most beautiful chair, but we certainly had the most fun during the process (which is what really counts). Check it out in Brennan’s when you can!

One Response to “Brennan’s Chair Painting Event, January 2019”

  1. rstorer says:

    can’t wait to see it in brennan’s!!!!!!!!!!

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