A Walk In the Woods: Stream Watching

The walk to the brook is serene. The entrance to the woods is denoted with a sign that says Centennial and is located just past the campus police station. The walk through the woods is dotted with red leaves. There are some that are freshly fallen and some that have long since ventured to the ground and have begun to break down. It is also noted that the entrance to the path has a partial fallen tree, so you know you are going in the right direction. The path is broken up in places by wooden planks that act as bridges. With the season change the air has become crisp even in the early evening air. The temperature is slowly declining but as of now it sits at 62°F. At the first option to choose a different path a left is taken and then at the second opportunity the right one is chosen. This then brings you to the miniscule and lazy stream. You know you’re there right after you descend from the longest bridge and it is just before the clearing that is uphill. It should take no more than fifteen minutes to get to the area when taking a leisurely walk. The walk should also be taken slowly and with attention carefully paid to the surroundings. If you walk to fast you miss out on half of the experience.

When sitting on the bridge by the stream it is easy to find your consciousness is a state of clarity. White noise form interstate can be heard in the distance and a few birds chirping here and there. The leaves rustle, fall, and inhibit the steady flow of the stream. A majority of the leaves in this spot are yellow and green ash shadows the ground. Leaves practically blanket the ground and create a crunchy thicket. This is a place of wholesome nature that can only be disturbed my noise pollution. I found that this visit was best represented by an abstract drawing that just pin points the main colors and things that I focused on while sitting there. For future reference this spot would be suggested for drawing, listening to music, napping, coloring, or anything else of a peaceful nature. It is a place of tranquility and is the perfect spot to write about.

Abstract Drawing of the Stream Area

Field Notes