Our staff is our most important resource! Honor them throughout the year by showing random acts of kindness, or organize small ways that show you notice their hard work. Here are some things others are doing to celebrate employee excellence year-round:
- Calendar reminders for upcoming birthdays, milestones, or anniversaries
- Personal thank you letters or cards
- Bringing in snacks to share – ice cream days!
- Group lunch, picnics, potlucks
- Casual dress days or theme days
- Take a break – visit the museum!
- Celebrate the completion of a big project or end of the semester
- Encourage staff to attend UVM functions like Wellness events
- Encourage going outside for a walk or stretch
- Host Staff Retreats (educational or social focus)
- Allow staff to go to Professional Development and Training classes
- Have a holiday party
- Offer tickets to events like UVM games, UVM sponsored Flynn events, or Lane Series concerts
- Say “thank you!”