Massapequa Reserve

For this assignment we chose a place back at hom to visit. I chose the Massapequa Reserve. This is quite literally down the block from me and I have spent so much time there in the past. It houses alot of wildlife and plants and offers alot of recreational opportunities for people.

There is a bike path that stretches beyond the photo, north, however the preserve itself cuts off at the top of the photo. The bike path goes for a couple more towns north. When you take a walk or ride your buke youll always see other people doing the same and its a big part of my community. Commpared to Salmon hole which is less of a walk through experience and more of a visit spot. Thats what I enjoy about the preserve is that you can always explore deeper everytime you visit. Ive been there for field trips, leisure, and theres a park that connects to it that I often used to visit with friends.

This place holds alot of memories ever since I was a kid. I always love a good stroll! In response to “Honorable Harvest” I left a dried rose I had in my room and placed it on a tree, just a thank you to the trees that support my community and the reserve overall.