I chose a site at Westmoor Park in West Hartford, CT. This is a link to the map below if you want to check it out for yourself: https://maps.app.goo.gl/yJHawjsmCB1cjAEG6
This place is in a highly developed area, surrounded mostly by residential neighborhoods with a shopping center nearby. The park is open to the public and is used for a lot of programs including 4H and summer camps, which results in it being heavily trafficked by a variety of ages.
The majority of the overstory trees are Eastern White Pine and Northern Red Oak. The groundcover consists mostly of fallen leaves and sticks. There were mostly small woody plants rather than leafy plants, and the understory was mostly woody bushes and White Pine saplings. It was fairly similar to my phenology site in Centennial Woods, except that Centennial Woods has more maple than red oak, and is a more open space. This openness changes the understory and groundcover, as the site at Westmoor Park had more leaves in the groundcover, and fewer plants.