There is plenty of vegetation within this spot. The most common types of woody plants varied between plots within the area but included bitternut hickory, maple-leaf viburnum, sugar maple, Scots pine, little leaf linden, and alternate-leaf dogwood. It also had a fair number of red maple trees, bigtooth aspen, eastern cottonwood, honeysuckle, and sumac. The species of sumac was unable to be determined because they were small stems. I did not want to analyze the bud in case they were poison sumac. Along with these woody species, there was a fair number of herbaceous species, such as New England aster and sensitive fern. These species, specifically the maple leaf viburnum, were wrapping themselves around this broken metal fence lining the path. I believe it was placed a long time ago to block the path, and potential wildlife, from walking through the golf course. I have attached some photos of the trees, leaves, and the metal fence