Flat Earth
Erin Brooks
Imagine the earth were flat
Speak a thought into four jars and seal the lids
Place each jar at each point on a compass
Which way will the Earth tip?
Going into the project, I appreciated the absolute randomness of the sample selection process. It was exciting to create something out of such a limited focus. That being said, I wasn’t very excited about my samples, because I got two of my own. But the others that I picked were very interesting. I started out trying to make something that uses repetition as a sort of rhythm, whether or not each track found the same beat. I used a lot of effects, changed pitch and speed, and reversed sections of samples to create a slow motion, dizzy, out of reality piece. I tried to combine busy sounds with intermittent silence to try and recreate the sensation of vision unfocusing and refocusing in a mellow, catatonic way. I ended up liking the way the effects worked differently in different places, and how the modified sounds maintained the feeling of time passing regardless of whether they were played forward or reversed.
Play a note on the piano… or record a sound
Every hour. Play them all together at the end of the day.
In sequence or as a cacophony
By Vivian Priestley
Go to your front door. Open it Wide. Imagine a thousand people standing outside Now listen to them shuffle Record the sound, and play it for a friend. Shuffle together.
Spring 2020
[Jaq’s] Ambient Thing
1 pixel = 1 second
Light Blue = Ambient noise
Dark Blue = Chittering
Yellow = Pattering
Pink = Melody
Purple = Thwack
Orange = Kick
Red = Scoop
Final Audio Mix of Limited Samples (Wear Headphones)
by Jess Vos
By Chris Barlow
-Cut off a piece of hair
-Think about the last time you were really angry
-Collect 3 objects that you love
-Throw the hair in the trash
-place all three objects in a new place –make sure you can see them-
-Admire these objects from afar.