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Designer in Distress

May 5th, 2020 No comments

May 2020

Materials: Wool and Elastic

My final project mimics modern designer brand trends in a time of distress. Masks are purposed for functionality and not necessarily looks. My goal was to create a mask for a designer brand that could be functional, yet remind the consumer that they can still live their daily lives in style.  

My big idea was to be able to protect yourself while being able to mimic a trend that reminds us of high fashion. I set out to create something fashionable, yet minimalistic and comfortable.

I started with a sweater and cut it into a shape that covered the face. Afterward, I experimented with different patterns and came across Burberry’s check pattern and decided to implement a similar style in which these bigger brands could use.

Original Mask idea

I ultimately stuck with the Burberry idea, however, I was inspired by other check patterns and fashion brands.

The elastic strap would be sewn through two holes into the dense wool fabric.

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