Home > Sound Piece > [Jaq’s] Ambient Thing

[Jaq’s] Ambient Thing


1 pixel = 1 second
Light Blue = Ambient noise
Dark Blue = Chittering
Yellow = Pattering
Pink = Melody
Purple = Thwack
Orange = Kick
Red = Scoop

Categories: Sound Piece Tags:
  1. Anonymous
    April 15th, 2020 at 19:46 | #1

    – Will

  2. Anonymous
    April 15th, 2020 at 19:46 | #2

    The sound design of that main melodic loop is awesome, really unique, sharp but beautiful noise there. It complements the digitized, mechanical drum sounds. I love the wind that comes in later on, opening up the space of the piece a lot. The contrast between that melodic line and the wind was also really nice, mixing that digital synth sound with the organic wind atmosphere.

  3. Anonymous
    April 13th, 2020 at 09:38 | #3

    Nice use of panning on this track! The different panning speed on different elements, the use of reverb, and the ambient noise come together to create a convincing sense of space. The chittering and pattering are both very delicate sounds and the melodic element of the track further reinforces this. Very peaceful. I also loved the simplicity of the score, it reminded me of the cover of the band Battles’ album La Di Da Di, in which an arrangement of food was placed next to a pixelated representation of itself.


  4. Anonymous
    April 12th, 2020 at 22:10 | #4

    Nice work! I’m getting strong callbacks to some great video game music. I love the subtle sense of rhythm and atmospheric touches.


  5. Anonymous
    April 12th, 2020 at 20:44 | #5

    Hey Jaq,
    Really love this piece. it has such a great sound to it. When i listen to it I almost feel like it could be coming from like some sort of factory. Like a typewriting company or something like that. It feels as though the piece is like a machine with all the parts working together. Very interesting to listen to

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