Home > Sound Piece > Dans Feild Recording Remix

Dans Feild Recording Remix

  1. Anonymous
    April 15th, 2020 at 19:53 | #1

    This is nasty. That bed sample is delicious as always. I love how menacing the beat is, and the bass sound you got is huugee. The two interlocking synths sounds compliment each other perfectly, and when the pitch and tempo drop I feel like I’m being sucked into a black hole. The percussion used is perfectly sparse and industrial and I need to hear this on a mixtape soon.
    – Will

  2. Anonymous
    April 13th, 2020 at 15:32 | #2

    you gonna drop some bars over this or

  3. vpriestl
    April 9th, 2020 at 12:48 | #3

    This score is amazing! There are clearly many elements that both describe the sound piece, and also become their own forms of expression through the written/sculpted score. The use of color is also interesting, and I wonder if it is representative of the mood of your piece. The drawings also help create a story here, which is revealing of the musician/artist because the images represent what they found to be emblematic of the sound.

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