Home > Sound Piece > Amplified Silences

Amplified Silences

Chris Barlow

Categories: Sound Piece Tags:
  1. Anonymous
    April 13th, 2020 at 09:39 | #1

    I don’t fully understand why, but I felt a deep sense of unease while listening to this piece. Perhaps the eb and flow of the brown noise (think low pitched white noise) resembled a large creature breathing in a way that caused alarm bells to go off in my monkey brain. The texture created by what (I think) was a pitched down version of the cracking ice sound paired really well with what sounded like water droplets. I think there was also some outside sound field recording in there as well (crickets chirping etc.) These all came together to create a very immersive soundscape. The score was very visually appealing and I loved the integration of the symbols from the i-ching. They worked very well with the visual aesthetic of the score.


  2. Anonymous
    April 12th, 2020 at 22:09 | #2

    Great work! I love the atmospheric tension and engaging design of this piece. Transportive stuff. Well-designed.


  3. Anonymous
    April 12th, 2020 at 19:53 | #3

    this is a test

  4. vpriestl
    April 9th, 2020 at 12:42 | #4

    There is a lot of movement and fluidity in this somewhat eerie piece. Elements rise and fall, and while they remain somewhat subtle there is a definite building throughout. Because the noises are indistinguishable, it creates a other-worldly feel. I felt like I was underwater watching as the Titanic sank down, as some parts plummet down and others float up.

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